Up For a Challenge?

It all started when I went to Yosemite. I stopped running. High elevation (I live at 100 feet above sea level), 100 degree weather, and all day hikes conspired against it. But my gosh, was running an easy habit to break. Then I was in Germany, and between all the walking, swimming, and biking, I didn’t run there, either. Four weeks back stateside, and I still haven’t tightened those laces.

School has started, I am settling into my schedule, and it is time for me to get back on the horse (or in the shoes?). And to get back at it, I am going to start with planks. Wait, what? Planks?! you ask. Why are you starting with planks? Doesn’t running make more sense?

Well, yes, running might make more sense, but one of my personal goals is being able to hold a plank for 5 minutes. And there is a 30 day challenge for it and everything (if only I had started on the first of September–then it could have been a cool monthly thing, but alas).

30 day plank challenge

Three hundred seconds? If I can just stick with it, I can get to five minutes in a month from now. I’d like to extend and invitation to all you lovely people to join me for two reasons.

First, because achieving something like this can help to boost self-esteem. Just like making your bed is important, if you can spare (up to) five minutes in the morning to take care of your body, think of what you will feel like accomplishing in the rest of the day.

Second, planks are awesome. I could use technical jargon and talk about all the muscles used in a proper plank, or I can show you a picture.

plank muscles worked

As this photo is so often captioned, this is why we plank.

So, today, next time you have a free 20 seconds, do a plank (with good form!). Here’s how (read: no excuses for either of us :))

Wanna join me? Leave a comment below to help in holding yourself accountable 🙂